Home » Steel Tank Gallery » Vertical Tank Gallery Vertical Tank Gallery 10,000 Gallon Vertical Dished Bottom Double Wall Tank with cage ladder, top handrail and insulated with an aluminum jacket installed at the factory.Double Wall UL-142 Dish Bottom on Legs Cobalt Blue Polyurethane coating .25" primary shell and 10gauge secondary shell.30,000 Gallon API650 tank designed for a customer in the cheese manufacturing industry. This tank is 12' dia x 36' tall.42,000 Gallon Bulk Fertilizer tanks. These tanks were designed and shipped to a fertilizer manufacturing plant in Illinois. The tanks were 12'6" dia x 45' tall and shipped with a cage ladder and top handrail.42,000 Gallon Bulk Fertilizer tanks. These tanks were designed and shipped to a fertilizer manufacturing plant in Illinois. The tanks were 12'6in. dia x 45' tall and shipped with a cage ladder and top handrail.42,000 Gallon Bulk Fertilizer tanks. These tanks were designed and shipped to a coop in central Indiana. The tanks were 12'6" dia x 45' tall.30,000 Gallon Vertical Aluminum Jacketed Insulated tanks for the Asphalt Industry.500 Gallon UL142 Double Wall Vertical Tanks with multi-directional forklift pockets.20,000 Gallon UL142 Double Wall Vertical Tank with bottom platform.4,000 Gallon Vertical tank with spray foam insulation being applied.42,000 Gallon Vertical Fertilizer Tank ready to ship to Ohio.30,000 Gallon Vertical Fertilizer Tanks: Stainless fittings, Sight glass, Industrial Primer and White enamel top coat20,000 Gallon Vertical Asphalt tanks with insulation and Aluminum Jacket30,000 Gallon Vertical Asphalt tank. This customer requested a specific blue color of aluminum jacketing. At STAFCO we aim to please.These two 900 gallon cone bottom tanks were installed to help a particular customer increase their output.Top View of a vertical Mixer tank.Side view of the vertical mixer tank. This tank is actually a double wall tank with the bottom sealed off from the outer shell.10,000 Gallon Vertical Singlewall tank used to store process oil.